
Monday, May 16, 2016

An Evening with Teddy Roosevelt, Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge

From Notes Written by Rachael Ann Howard

Teddy Roosevelt was born October 27th, 1858 in New York, weak, sickly and had asthma.
  Known as Teedy sometimes, and he was homeschooled.  Lessons were taught to him by his aunt, who was a Southern woman.  He liked History, and also was good in Natural Science, and Literature.  He collected all sorts of wildlife, alive or dead in New York.  Teddy was nearsighted.  At 13 he got a gun that he couldn't break, and wasn't good at shooting birds.  He wanted to be a Natural Scientist, went to Harvard College, and didn't like law school.
  Grandma was Martha Stewart.  His first child was a girl, her name was Alice.  His father died at 45 of stomach cancer, his mother died of Typhoid fever and his wife died of Wrights disease.
  Teddy was a rancher of 450 cattle.
  Theodore Roosevelt had 6 kids, the second child was Ted Jr. His youngest two sons were very mischievous.  His daughter Alice, lived till 96 years.  His youngest boy, Quentin, was most like him.  (Read "The White House Gang" by Earl looker.)
  Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was Vice President and the 26th President of the United States by 42 years old. He wrote 30 books, and inspired the Teddy Bear.

"Speak Softly and carry a big stick"
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
"When you work, work hard.  When you play, play hard.  When you work, don't play at all."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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